Hair loss can impact different women in varied ways. Here at Talk of the Town Hair Studio, we see a lot of clients whose hair loss is extreme, and who need full hair replacement in order to look and feel like themselves again. For other clients, hair loss may be much more subtle; some of the women who come into our shop just need a little extra volume or length. For these women, hair extensions can be a great option.
Indeed, hair extensions have long been a popular product, not just among women who struggle with hair loss, but also among women who wish to experiment with new colors or highlights. As you consider getting extensions, it’s important to be judicious in the specific products you select, as well as how you have those extensions applied. While there may be some DIY options that catch your eye, we would ultimately recommend having your extensions applied by an experienced hair extensions specialist… and here’s why.
Misapplied Extensions Can Damage Your Hair
First and foremost, it’s always important to be careful with any hair product, as misuse can sometimes do lasting damage to the hair on your head. Extensions are no exception. When applied incorrectly, extensions can have a hazardous effect on your hair, which can in turn exacerbate your hair loss problems.
The best way to avoid this is to work with a specialist who knows how to carefully and properly integrate extensions into your naturally growing hair, without causing any harm.
Poorly Applied Extensions Can Look Bad
Another reason to trust your hair extension needs to trained specialists? When wrongly applied, hair extensions can look awkward or unnatural.
What you want from your extensions is for their appearance to be seamless. You don’t want anyone to be able to tell that you’re wearing extensions; rather, you want the extensions to look completely in sync with your growing hair.
An experienced hair extensions specialist can ensure that you get this seamless, integrative look; trying to do it yourself, or going to a less-experienced stylist, can result in an appearance that leaves much to be desired.
Traction Alopecia is a Major Concern
A final reason to see an experienced hair extensions specialist: It ensures that you avoid traction alopecia.
What is traction alopecia, exactly? It’s a condition that stems from certain hairstyles, including tight ponytails, braids, or buns. Extensions can also be a source of traction alopecia.
Basically, when misapplied, extensions can pull or tug at your hair, which can cause physical trauma to the hair follicles. Not only can traction alopecia lead to hair loss, but it can also cause permanent scarring to the scalp, which makes it close to impossible to ever grow healthy hair again.
Correctly-applied hair extensions won’t put you at any risk of traction alopecia, but again, not everyone knows the right way to use these products… and if you don’t have your extensions integrated by a trained professional, you put yourself at risk of major damage to your hair, follicles, and scalp.
Have Your Hair Extensions Applied the Right Way
These are just a few words of caution against having hair extensions applied by amateurs. You don’t ever want to risk damage to your hair, nor extensions that look awkward and unnatural, so make sure you have your extensions applied by the pros.
Talk of the Town Hair Studio is a leading provider of best-in-class hair extensions. We’d love to show you some options and talk with you more about how extensions can be rightly applied. Reach out to us at our Orcutt, CA or Santa Barbara, CA locations today to schedule a FREE confidential consultation, where we’ll be happy to chat with you about extensions and more.